Conversations with Others
- Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman
- conversationswithothers.libsyn.com/website
"I wanted to create a space to hold honest, open, candid conversations where no subject is off limits or taboo, with some of the best and brightest of our lifetime. I’m interested in delving into the minds of ‘Others’. The odd ones out, the queer kin, the bi-racial, gender-fluid, outspoken, courageous and crazy phenomenons who fall outside of the status-quo, dance joyfully in the margins of ‘Otherness’ and have managed to make an authentic, impactful mark against all odds. Maya Angelou said “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. It is the gems within these stories that give me strength to stand in the messiness of my own journey while carrying on in celebration of myself. The lessons I have learned have been invaluable. And If I can leave you all with one thing, it’s this...Celebrate Yourself And Love Each Other." - Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman
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