Liminal Flares
- Maika
- liminalflares.com
Gather round and welcome to Liminal Flares, an otherworldly podcast of gender-inclusive revisions of eldritch literature, read to you by Maika, your queer, trans, nonbinary narrator.
Needlessly gendered, heteronormative language is everywhere. If you exist somewhere outside the gender binary - non-binary, genderqueer, gender-nonconforming, genderfluid, agender - whatever umbrella term best encompasses your own unique gender identity - there are countless ways the world behaves as though you don't exist.
That won't happen to you here.
Gender-neutral language creates room for everyone, which means that you are included and welcome here no matter what your gender. May these haunted and haunting stories and poems help you and/or people you love feel more valid and seen.
Learn more about the show at liminalflares.com and follow us on social media @liminalflares.
Music by The Parlour Trick (theparlourtrick.bandcamp.com)
Audio Engineering by Meredith Yayanos (patreon.com/TheParlourTrick)
Cover art by Daniel Kern (danielkernart.com)
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